02 March, 2025

Regional Centre


Sh K. Anil Kumar

Executive (DP)

Sh.K.Anil Kumar joined IGNOU as Computer Operator on 12th January 1995 at Student Evaluation Division(SED), IGNOU New Delhi. During October 1997, he was transferred to IGNOU Regional Centre, Hyderabad. He got promoted as Executive (Data Processing) in March, 2012.


He has done his Graduation with Mathematics, Economics and Commerce from Kakatiya University, Warangal, Master in Economics (1996) from Kakatiya University, Master of Business Administration (1998) from Dr.B.R.Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad, PG Diploma in Distance Education (1999) from IGNOU, Master of Library & Information Science (2000) and also acquired Master of Computer
Applications (2003) from IGNOU.

During his tenure at Student Evaluation Division, he was attached to Exam-1, he was associated with all the activities related pre-examination at SED and also the post examination activities for a few programmes of the University. On his transfer from SED, New Delhi to Regional Centre, Hyderabad in October 1997, he is primarily responsible for the maintenance of the database of all the learners admitted for IGNOU programmes i.e. admission data, database of Academic Counsellors, Assignment, Practical, Project, Learner Support Centres, Convocation, Network maintenance etc. He is actively involved in responding to student queries on day to day basis. He also maintains the Regional Centre website by periodically updating the information for the benefit of IGNOU learners.

  IGNOU Regional  Centre M-5 Block,
 ist Floor,
Manoranjan Complex Telangana State Housing Board Complex (Adjacent to Gandhi Bhavan Metro Station)